
Saturday, October 04, 2003

Subtle Feature 1 in Foxfire! 8.0: Select Multiple Data Items in Lists 

There are quite a few new subtle changes in Foxfire! 8.0 that may not be easily visible so I'll add them as I find them. <bg>
You can now select multiple items in the Data Items dialog and move them over to the Selected list.
You can also change the Width of a data item in an actual report without changing its width in the Data Dictionary. To do this, right-mouse click on the Data item in the Selected List and choose Change Appearance.
Why would you want to do this?
Consider a field like Customer Name which might be 50 characters in length. In your report, you only want it to be 20 characters but there are other reports that need it to be 50. Solution? Just change the length in the Format Appearance dialog and it is respected in the report layout.


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