
Monday, March 13, 2006

Build 416, er, 418 

Build 418 is now available in both full installs and partial.

Full Install

Zipped APP updates - unzip over your existing files - (updated to build 418)

Variety of updates including fixes for labels, setup wizard and system admin tools.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Minor Update to 415 

If you downloaded the full install of 415, and are receiving an error of "Cannot find ff80base.vcx" when running a new report, please download and unzip the refreshed build.

The link is here.


Monday, March 06, 2006

Build 415 now available 

Foxfire! 8+ Build 415 is now available.

Full Install
Zip file Update

Among the fixes:
1. Variety of updates to the Expression builder to make it work more intuitively with other data items.

2. Updates on the upgrader and setup wizard.

3. The relationship Finder (which should be used for creating new relationships, not viewing existing ones) has been updated to reduce the possible amount of problems that occur if you use it with systems that include a large number of common fields.

4. A new Grand Totals page lets you control the total summaries on the Report. This is accessible from the Sort/Group options dialog.

5. For Data Items, you can now turn on or off the ability for users to browse table values. This was done due to problems with slower ODBC data sources. This feature is accessed from the Data Item Editor in the Filter tab and is titled Allow Users to Browse values.

6. The Data Item Group editor now has a feature to clear data item groups without having to go through each group.

7. Setup Wizard works better with tables with underlines in the aliases.

A lot more is in there but those are the highlights.


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