
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Build 466: Better than 465! 

Yeah, ok, whoops! In my eagerness to get build 465 up, I introduced two little bugs that were found immediately and needed to be fixed.

Build 466 resolves these and you can download either the refresh or the full install (should be up there in a few minutes).

As a note, if you are downloading Foxfire!, you will be prompted for a password. Please email support@micromegasystems.com to receive it. We will be replacing that mechanism with a little more web-based approach hopefully next week.

Which one should you download?
If you have already started building report sets with Foxfire!, download the refresh and unzip it over your existing versions.

You can apply a single refresh over older versions (even as far back as build 433).

If you have never installed Foxfire! before or just want to create a brand new install, download the full build.

Sorry for the inconvenience if you just downloaded build 465!


Build 465: Designer and Request Manager Updates 

Foxfire! Build 465 is now available. Update: Build 466 is now available - a last minute bug was found and had to be fixed immediately. These links still work.

Full Setup

This version also includes an updated help file.

This update includes the following updates:
Request Manager Updates
- Updates for importing FFX files. If Foxfire! cannot import the FFX file, it will display a message explaining why. We have seen some instances where report layouts were incorrectly stored. There are still some other issues with importing depending on your use of characters (such as &) which will be fixed in a future build. (366772)

- Variety of fixes for running batches, including being able to run single requests in a batch. (355435, 353374, 520)

- After moving reports into different folders, the Request Manager stays in the same folder. In earlier versions, it would always reset to the main folder. (367489)

- When creating a new cross-tab, it puts the new request into the folder you started in. (367481)

- Permissions for designers and end users now correctly show Update Dictionary, Expand Search and Union options (34763, 331446)

Request Designer Changes
- if you change the column header and then export to Excel, the updated column headers will appear (327207)
- Help button is enabled in SQL (244449)
- Selected Item count was removed from labels (123143)
- Various cross-tab glitches (29921)
- When you preview a report after editing, it returns you to the same tab you were in when editing (367187)

Internal Updates
- Fix for invalid SQL being generated for SQL Server dictionaries that use alternate sort orders (367497)
- Fix for Foxfire! incorrectly selecting the wrong request when running Unioned requests (367490)
- When sending a report to support, the error dialog will disappear while it sends. (363993)


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Build 462: Updates to Upgrading 

Build 462 is available for a while with some updates to importing and exporting as well as the auto-indent with reports that had to Auto-Fit.


Full Install


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Build 460: Updates for Upgrading and Distribution 

The latest update (460) includes a variety of fixes for upgrading and using the Distribution Wizard.

If you have an older version, you can simply use the Refresh and unzip the latest changes ontop of your existing files (it will update the necessary items).

Full Install



Monday, September 11, 2006

Build 455: Available for Download 

Full Install

Refresh Update

Update Highlights
Request Permissions are now saved in the Request Manager.
Save As limits the Request length.
Fix for creating new data items with invalid characters (you are able to do it but the output field name no longer causes SQL error)
Fix for line spacing
Data Browser for Cross-tabs now locks first column but allows multi-column scrolling.
Fix for rolling up workbench
Fix for displaying larger font sizes in the Detail band.


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